COVID-19 | SELCO Foundation Responding to the Covid-19 Crisis Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:16:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID-19 | SELCO Foundation 32 32 Tele-Livelihoods for Migrant Communities | Insights Reports Fri, 31 Jul 2020 16:17:42 +0000

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Sustainable Energy driven Healthcare Interventions in response to COVID19 in Sierra Leone, Ethiopia and Burkina Faso Fri, 31 Jul 2020 16:06:01 +0000

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Ecosystem Mapping for Health + Sustainable Energy Programs in Sierra Leone | Insights Reports Fri, 31 Jul 2020 15:55:03 +0000

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Common Services Centres – A Decentralised Development Strategy for Rural Geographies During and Post COVID-19 |Insights Report Fri, 31 Jul 2020 15:34:27 +0000

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Solar Powered Quarantine Centres in Ukhrul, Manipur | COVID-19 Innovation Fri, 31 Jul 2020 15:17:39 +0000


With rapid increase in the cases of COVID19 infected persons in India, while in March/April the disease’s spread was limited to the main cities, the virus has now increasingly started reaching the remote parts of the country. This has resulted in straining the health infrastructure, a key concern being the more under- developed and under-resourced states, such as the north eastern states of India. State governments have been drawing up plans to fight the spread of the disease by taking preventive steps and also identifying the places where the potential affected patients can be quarantined to ensure that the transmission chain is broken.

In the state of Manipur, the number of cases detected as of 15th May 2020 was only 3, but with the migrants coming back home from other states this number is bound to increase. By 17th May, 4 new cases were detected, all amidst the return of the people who were stranded in other states so far.

One such district is the Ukhrul District. Ukhrul district has one District Hospital and 8 PHCs spread across the district evenly present catering to the needs of the existing populations of around 1.83 lakhs. The district has already seen a return of about 500 migrants and is expecting another 7000+ according to local administration. In anticipation, district administrations and civil society organizations are preparing the state by upgrading Primary Healthcare Centres for quarantine and screening. But the existing infrastructure has been found to be insufficient to house all of the anticipated returning migrants. Thus, more quarantine centers are needed for which educational institutions and other public institutions are being identified to be temporarily converted into the quarantine centres


Quarantine is the separation and restriction of movement or activities of persons who are not ill but who are believed to have been exposed to infection, for the purpose of preventing transmission of diseases. Persons are usually quarantined in their homes, but they may also be quarantined in community-based facilities. The quarantine can be applied to an individual or to a group of persons who are exposed at a large public gathering or to persons believed exposed on a conveyance as per guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

In addition to that each of the quarantine center has to have minimum facilities in terms of housing the medical staff, for housing the medical equipment i.e. Thermal thermometer, Stethoscope, BP machine etc. In Manipur, the administration has also been keen to ensure that all quarantine facilities have basic amenities such as reliable and constant electricity and water supply- ensuring the comfort of the quarantined individuals and medical staff. This is to also ensure that the quarantined individuals are not tempted to escape from the facility and go to their homes, putting their family members at risk. Absence of reliable power can also severely hamper the smooth operations and delivery of care services in such facilities.

As already stated, estimates show that the existing health infrastructure in the Ukhrul district might not be able to cope up with the anticipated influx of residents who need to undergo mandatory quarantine and at same time cater to the other medical needs of the population. After careful assessment of such identified facilities, a comprehensive plan has been suggested to the District Administration. Facilities with unreliable access to electricity have been mapped, and the list has been present to the District Administration for installation of Solar Energy Systems for Lighting and Mobile Charging.


  • Rapid upgradation of public infrastructure important to improve the quarantine facilities. As stranded migrants reach home- travelling in manners in which social distancing norms might have been compromised, they might be carriers of virus to remote villages. Before they reach their villages and families, it is important that the state and district administrations provide them with well equipped facilities where they can rest and also save their families from being exposed to the virus through them. A stipulated period of 14 days is required for quarantine.
  • Civil Society Organisations, together with District Administrations can play a key role in rapid assessments of facilities and upgradation that is required to convert them for quarantine.
ACME school- Quarantine Center in the village of Yairipok, Ukhrul District, Manipur. The Centre can potentially house 200 individuals for quarantine. 20 returning migrants were brought in as of 16th March 2020
Volunteers for Village Development (VVD) Training Centres identified for Quarantine in Ukhrul District, Manipur- Installation in progress across identified quarantine centres
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Solar Powered Walk-in Sample Kiosk in Kundapura, Karnataka | Covid-19 Innovation Fri, 31 Jul 2020 14:55:10 +0000


India has seen a rapid increase in the cases of COVID-19 infected persons, reporting almost 90,000 confirmed cases on 16th May 2020. Each state in the country has been responding depending on its context. Some states have had success in flattening the curve and see the cases in decline with every passing day, whereas in others there has been no signs of slowing down. Testing, contact tracing and quarantine have proved as important measures across the globe. Since the past few weeks, India has been increasing its testing capacities. Walk-in sample Kiosks (WISK) are being scaled rapidly and deployed in wide variety of settings across the different states. These are being set up primarily in easy to access public spaces. With scarce resources, India has found it important to have portable and mobile sample collection units- allowing for one infrastructure to serve multiple neighbourhoods or geographies.

Sample collection requires has to be done carefully, and the healthcare worker needs to be in a PPE suit, ensuring that he/she is protected from the risk of contracting the virus. With peak summer approaching India, it has been found important that the healthcare workers are provided with a comfortable working environment- making energy an important component of that for light and fan. With the kiosk being mobile, it is also important that the energy source is made mobile- allowing the healthcare worker to be comfortable wherever the WISK is operating from.


Udupi town is about 90km from the Mangalore International Airport. With the airport recently opened with limited flights, the Udupi district has been improving its testing infrastructure since many Indians from other countries will be coming back to their home towns in the coming weeks. In addition to having testing done in labs or COVID designated hospitals, the health department in Udupi also commissioned Solar Powered Mobile Sample Collection Units. The initiative improved the outreach of the testing facility, but still had its limitations. Udupi district cater to a population of 11.77 lakh people and have health infrastructure comprising of around 24 Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC). A single mobile unit was not able to serve the need across the different villages and PHCs. In terms of testing, the mobile unit was able to collect only 60 to 70 Samples per day.

The health department in the district has been determined towards aggressively improving its testing capacity which needed necessary testing units in more PHCs and public spaces. That lead to idea of a portable and cost-effective WISK, a WISK which was Solar Powered with one Fan, Light and a Mobile charging unit. It is designed as a small cabin that is closed from four sides with one side having a glass wall with an opening. The person being tested is seated outside the glass wall through which two rubber gloves are attached outside. The health worker has to insert a hand in the rubber gloves and collect swab samples and blood samples from the patients. The rubber gloves and the cabin is disinfected after each sample collection.


  • Aided in Carrying out Mass Testing: WISK was a more affordable and easier way to collect samples, as it takes no more than just two minutes to collect samples, and requires minimum investment in the infrastructure that provides a safe mode of sample collection.
  • Ensured Safety of Frontline Health Caregivers: With increasing cases being reported across the country – it’s a tool in the hands of the frontline medical staff who can undertake mass testing whereby their personal safety and well-being is ensured through the equipped booths.
  • Cost of Infrastructure: The Kiosk costed INR 24000/- for set up (including the cost of the solar energy system for light, fan and mobile charging). In comparison, the cost of other solutions ranges from INR 35,000 to INR 90,000- these are not portable and without solar powering, which makes the WISK implemented in Udupi a unique, portable and cost-effective model
  • Savings on PPE Suits: The health facility also has potentially saved on the use of the PPE suits which are not only cumbersome but also cost cost INR 1000-1400 apiece. According to Dr. Nagbhushan at the Health Department, a comparison between the cost of PPE suits and the WISK kiosk, shows that WISK is a far more efficient use of resources- ensuring savings for the health department within a week of operations of the WISK.
Solar Powered Walk-in Sample Kiosk (WISK). A project developed jointly by Bhartiya Vikas Trust, SELCO India and Dr Nagbhushan Udupa from District Health Department.
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Provisional Stores and Solar Powered Refrigerators | Stories Of Resilience Fri, 31 Jul 2020 14:23:29 +0000


Mr. Parameshwaraih is an entrepreneur based out of Kalenahalli village, Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District, Karnataka. He is a different abled person of humble background who has been running a business since the last 20 years. With support of his wife and other family members he runs a small provision store which caters to the local demand for daily consumption items. The income from this store is the only source of income for his whole family. His store is frequented by local community members as well as those who are coming for work form outside, as it is located on one of the main roads, connecting to nearby towns.

Solution Overview

Enterprising as he is, Parameshwaraiah was quick to spot that there was a latent demand for refrigerated products like packaged and chilled water packets / bottles and cold drinks in his village. No shop in the village was able to provide for this demand and he was keen to invest in a refrigerator and connect with vendors who could help him supply cold drinks, juices and packaged water. His shop often had powercuts, and that was the only reason he was questioning the investment on refrigerator for his shop. In 2019, he learned about solar powered refrigerators and contacted a local Clean Energy Enterprises and put in an enquiry. Soon he had used his savings, and taken a part loan to buy a 100 litre solar powered refrigerator for his store.

COVID-19 And Impact on Business

As soon as the nationwide lockdown was declared, the business had been severely affected. Since his customer base mostly came from people who would be passing by his village, the demand for the goods in his refrigerator was close to zero. His regular customers were primarily those who would come from nearby villages to work in the fields or any other workers employed under government employment programs. Due to the lockdown, such work had come to a standstill, bringing no visitors or tired workers demanding cold drinks to the village. Summer season is usually the peak season for his business and he was anticipating a good demand for the cold drinks since he had built his customer based over the last few months- more and more people knew that his shop would have a refrigerator and cold drinks. Many local fairs and weekly markets organised nearby would also bring in additional income. Mr. Parameshwaraih quickly assessed the scenario and started to stock up the items whose demand was likely to go up and whose supply was also not affected. He sharply observed that there was an increase in demand for curd and milk because of the summer. He started stocking up curd and milk, sometimes upto 10 litres each day. This helped him to steady his earnings on a daily basis. While cold drinks get him higher margins, Parameshwaraiah’s sales for dairy products has increased during this period. His sales for milk packets, have gone from 14 to 53 units per day, and curd has gone from 24 to 30 units. His daily profits from the refrigerator has seen a dip- from INR 190 per day to INR 147 per day because of the reduction in sales of cold drinks, ie almost INR 1200 a month, but the demand for dairy products has helped keep the earnings steady to a certain extent.


  • Ability to make incremental investments helps businesses grab emerging opportunities and push up the earning potential- in this case the addition of the refrigerator brought additional sales and stability to the provisional store.
  • The entrepreneur has an ongoing loan for his Refrigerator. A moratorium on the loan contracted will be helpful in softening the impact on the health of the business.
  • Entrepreneur’s ability to gauge customer’s demands and preferences depending on the scenario is key in how businesses pivot and adapt during crisis times.

Business has been impacted there is no question about it but my
investment in the (solar powered) refrigerator has turned out to be a life
line for me, bring in much needed income on daily basis.


– Mr. Parameshwaraih, Provisional Store Owner

Mr.Parameshwaraih and his wife at their provisional store, also showcasing their Solar Powered 100 litres Refrigerator. This Picture was taken before the lockdown as a response to COVID19
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Koraput Livelihood Centre | Stories of Resilience Fri, 31 Jul 2020 05:58:03 +0000


Koraput is a remote district in the state of Odisha with a predominantly tribal population. Kanjariguda is a village in Lakshmipur block of Koraput district which is very remote with tribal communities engaged in agriculture and NTFPs. The main crops grown in this region are rice and ragi. To access basic services people in the region have to walk kilometers across forests and mountains. Due to this reason, organizations such as IGSSS and IDS, in partnership with SELCO got together to establish a livelihood centre in order to decentralise critical services.

Need and Key Issues:

  • Rice and Ragi: Rice is an important major crop in the area. The community is engaged in rice cultivation and would have to spend an entire day commuting – leaving early morning and returning late in the night just to get their rice, millets milled and to access other basic essential services. The amount spent for 50 Kg paddy hulling is INR 100. Also, the community has to travel 6-10 kms for hulling, which has its additional costs (economic and opportunity costs). The community is also engaged in ragi cultivation and is an important secondary crop after rice. A lot of drudgery is involved in turning the ragi grains to flour. The women would do this activity by hand, manually. In the larger flour mills, the community would pay around INR 4-5 per kg for milling their ragi produce.
  • Mobile Charging: There would be heavy power cuts in the area ranging from 12-15 hours a day at times. To charge their mobile phones, the community would have to travel 15-20 kms and would have to pay INR 10 for each charge. The monthly expenses on mobile charging itself would amount to around INR 150 per phone.
  • Printing and Photocopying: The community would have to travel 15-20 kms to access printing and photocopying services and would spend a day to access these services. They would require these photocopies and printouts for government documentation, school work and for other official purposes.

The Intervention

The main objective of the livelihood centre was to mitigate the drudgery, time, money and effort expended by the communities in the nearby regions to access basic services. The livelihood centre was proposed to be completely run and maintained by a Self Help Group (SHG), and the income from these services are divided amongst the members. The centre has a plan to convert the space into a training centre in the near future but has been stalled due to the lockdown. The livelihood centre presently has a decentralised rice mill, ragi mill, a mobile charging unit, a lok seva kendra (photocopier, printer and a camera) and a sewing machine. All the technological interventions are solar powered and have been installed by a local enterprise, Shreyas Solar. The installations were completed in February 2019.

COVID-19 Impact

As the region is very remote, the communities have not interacted with anyone post the lockdown. The village is 12 kms away from Yeshmantpur which is the nearest large town where a patient was detected positive post COVID testing. The patient has since been moved to the district hospital in Koraput and the area has been strictly shut down. Since the past few weeks, the towns have been opening up services have been disrupted due to a minimum of 4 hours of power cut every day- Unable to procure diesel, leading them to close early. This has not been the case with the solar powered Livelihood Centre run by the SHG. For people to know about this centre in the wider region, it took 15 days of awareness building to link the nearby villagers to this centre. IDS, the local NGO partner was doing mask distribution and other relief work during which they informed the villagers of this centre. The sarpanch (village leader) has also been immensely supportive of the centre from the start and has helped safeguard the SHG members from any trouble or disruption from local police or other authorities. The people from 17 villages within the 12-15 km radius are now dependent on this centre for accessing essential services. The local communities accessing the milling services do processing on a weekly basis and not on a bulk basis. They do not have storage and there is no packaging system due to which they leave the produce tied up in cloth or steel tins causing pest infestation. Weekly milling is very essential for the communities for this reason.
  • Solar Powered Printing/Photocopying Unit: During the COVID lockdown, the need for accessing photocopying and printing services has come down as there are no regular government services, employment related services or school supplies required. Due to this, the income has dropped to INR 1800 per month from INR 2500. However, with schemes, loans and other government services that will start to kick off, the need for this service is predicted to resume.
  • Solar Powered Mobile Charging Unit: The mobile charging unit has 15 charging points allowing 15 mobiles to charge at the same time. The service was primarily used by school teachers, local youth especially during the rainy season when power cuts are at its highest. During the COVID lockdown, the number of people accessing this service has reduced as there have been protocols on physical distancing with people now being allowed to crowd the space. Per day there are 2-4 people who have been accessing this service.
  • Solar Powered Rice Mill: Within Lakhimpur block, there are 500+ rice cultivating farmers associated with IDS. Initially, there was one machine which was milling both the rice and ragi in the same machine. But due to increased demand, two separate machines based on the requirements were designed by SELCO Foundation and installed in February, 2020. The mills are open from 7 AM to 7 PM with a 2 and a half hour break in between. During the lockdown, they are able to earn approximately INR 1200 per day.
  • Solar Powered Millet Mill: Through the IDS program, there are 270 households cultivating ragi within Lakhimpur block itself who are promoted by the organization. Post the lockdown, the ragi mill is also running for 9 hours in a day, more or less being used constantly. The charges have been increased to INR 5 per kg (from INR 3 per kg) due to additional operational hours and people required. During the lockdown, the SHG is able to earn close to INR 700 per day from milling ragi.
  • Solar Powered Sewing Machine: One sewing machine was installed, being used by the daughter of one of the SHG members. The local villagers give her their clothes on which she could do basic repair work and simple embroideries. She keeps half the income that she would get and gives the rest half to the SHG. Due to the lockdown, one of her uncles who owns a tailoring shop in Lakhimpur has had to shut shop and return to the village and will return post. He is very skilled and is using the solar powered sewing machine to take orders and stitch clothes, repair, do embroidery etc. He is using this time to teach the girl more advanced tailoring skills which she has successfully been picking up on. Due to this, the panchayat has given her the order to stitch all the 7th grade school uniforms for the coming year which will increase her income multifold.


  • Support from IDS: The NGO has been engaging in relief work across the region from the start of the lockdown. Due to their access to mobility, they have been inundated on the issues that the communities have been facing with lack of access to basic services during this period. They spent that time also creating awareness and informing those communities of the solar powered livelihood centre in Kanjariguda allowing people to resume accessing these services at this centre.
  • Continued income and increased business in the future: Due to communities wanting to access these services, the SHG has continued to earn their income while many others with shops and services haven’t. With a lot more people from nearby villages being aware of this centre and accessing it, they have been expressing to the SHG on the convenience and their continued support to this centre post the lockdown as well.
  • Panchayat support: Due to the sarpanch being involved right from the setting up of the centre and being supportive throughout, he has ensured that there is no form of harassment or disruption from any local authorities or other villagers on the centre’s activities.
  • Energy Resilience: Due to powercuts, a lot of mills and other centres in towns have not been able to operate smoothly as diesel has not been available in required quantities or in convenient locations. However, the Kanjariguda livelihood centre has remained unaffected by these power cuts and lack of diesel availability due to it being solar powered with backup of 6 hours which is more than sufficient for all the services.
  • One-stop shop: Due to the livelihood centre having multiple facilities under the same roof, it has been very convenient for the villagers to access these services. During the lockdown due to mobility being restricted, they would have been able to access a service or two if they were scattered. This has allowed for time and costs to be saved for these communities.
Livelihood Centre run by SHG in Kanjariguda Cillage, Koraput, Odisha
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Decentralised Rice Milling Unit in Odisha | Stories of Resilience Fri, 31 Jul 2020 05:28:33 +0000


Nabarangpur is a district in Odisha with the city of Nabarangpur being the district headquarters. The district has a majority of tribal population who are involved in agricultural activities and NTFP produce. Harsha Trust visualized impressive growth in paddy production in their operational area of Kosagumuda Village in Nabarangpur district through improved paddy production technique, which was coming under its livelihood enhancement activity. Not only improved paddy production technique but also geographical suitability plays a great role in quality paddy production in Kosagumuda region.


Harsha Trust supported Danteswari Women Farmer Producer Com Ltd is establishing the production of aromatic paddy, black jira rice and normal varieties of rice with 470 of their registered farmer members and shareholders. Post this, the procurement of the paddy, milling, packaging and marketing was established in partnership with Harsha Trust, SELCO Foundation and the District Collectorate office to establish a milling centre in Kanhaguda block, Kosagumuda.

Need for a Decentralised Rice Milling Unit

Barter System and Emergence of Middlemen: A common transaction method in the region was barter system- a traditional practice where farmers would barter part of their harvested produce with other commodities. A form of this practice has been adapted by saahukaars (middlemen) who procure paddy from farmers for x amount and return them milled rice of the same amount. This practice also applies for cotton, millets and other pulses which farmers sell. The milled produce given to them is often of poor quality, and sometimes the produce given is of lower rate. Middle men capture the markets in this manner and have turned the traditional barter system into an exploitative business practice. Hence, the
setting up of the SHGs and FPOs with decentralized milling systems were critical in this region.

Procurement Model: The milling centre has been operational since December 2018 which is run by the production staff, mill operator and a night watch. Their procurement policy is that they procure the paddy from the member farmers at the same rates which are offered by the block level government centres. However, the additional benefit is that at the end of the year, the profit is redistributed to the member farmers in the form of dividends. The procurement of paddy happens twice a year, right after the harvesting period. Since the storage facility isn’t sufficient for all the paddy to be stored, there is a rotational system in place – where some SHGs give their produce and some store it at home all of whom are given payment in advance for their quantity of produce. Once the first batch has been milled and stored, the second batch is brought in. Another system in place is that farmers write letters to the FPO stating the quantity that they require for self consumption and the quantity they would like to sell. Deducting the processing charge, the amount is paid in advance and the rest is maintained in their registers.

Input Supply: The FPO also supports the farmers with technical support, awareness of new scientific techniques for productivity enhancement and cropping practices, input supplies like seeds, irrigation, fertilizers etc which makes it more compelling for the farmers to sell to the FPO as opposed to the market.

Processing: The stored paddy is processed daily in batches, packed and sold to the vendors using their mini truck which they invested in for both marketing and procurement. The members pay a processing fee of INR 2 per kg. With the mill being established locally, time and money spent on traveling to towns has also been saved.
Marketing: The main towns around the village are Nabarangpur, Joypur and Papadahandi. The FPO board of directors, vendors, government representatives conducted a meeting for formulating the marketing plan before the mill was established. Through this local team, linkages with surrounding vendors were formed who were responsible for micro-selling. This was taken into consideration before the technology capacity and energy system design was done.

COVID-19 Impact

With the lockdown in place, all activities in the towns came to an abrupt halt. 150 migrant families returned and have been settled in the nearest schools and community spaces which have been converted into quarantine centres. The FPO has been going and supporting them with sanitizers, masks, gloves etc. They also received orders from the government to supply quarantine rations to 20 schools i.e. quarantine centres. They have been supplying 5 bags (50 kgs each) to each school on a weekly basis. During the start of the lockdown, the FPO vehicle was used to provide relief materials to the selected villages by the collectorate which they did not get reimbursements for. But during the second phase of the lockdown, two local partner NGOs, RCDC and Gobindalaya used the vehicle for distributing relief materials for two weeks and paid the FPO INR 2000 per day which acted as an additional income source. However, the FPO continued their milling activities through the lockdown period as they had a lot of paddy stocked in their storage space – 6 tonnes of black jeera rice. The markets were functioning in Nabarangpur and Papadahandi and they have been able to sell their milled produce to the vendors, allowing for movement within the district. The produce that would go to the next districts Umarkot and Koraput have stopped, cutting their income from those sources. But that stock is now being bought by local NGOs to provide relief material which has been constant since April, May and the orders will continue in June as well. Other than the registered FPO farmer members utilising the milling services, non FPO farmer members would also come to access the mill. These non FPO farmers were reliant on the town markets and exploitative middle men who are unable to function at the time due to the lockdown, making this mill a critical service for them to be able to access. To take care of this additional load, the night staff has been trained to operate the mill and they run the mill in the evening for 2 extra hours.


  • Government Support: The local government officials were informed from the beginning in the formation of the FPO and the establishing of the milling centre. The FPO was able to get permission to be able to continue their services during the lockdown period because of that network established. Through the government, the FPO was also able to receive orders to supply rations to the quarantine centres in the district.
  • Stocks: Due to the stock in their storage facility and in the homes of farmer members which they already had paid advance for, the FPO could continue milling and selling the produce allowing the income to flow through during the lockdown as well.
  • Orders from NGOs: Being the only rice mill running in a decentralised manner, the local NGOs were able to utilise their services to procure rice to be distributed as relief material to families and communities in need, especially the ones without ration cards.
    Farmers from Nearby Villages Access the Service: The number of non-FPO member farmers from nearby villages who would visit the milling centre has more than doubled on a daily basis as the middle men have not been able to procure their paddy. One reason for this is that the farmers would get milled rice in return for their paddy which the middle men have not been able to access due to milling centres being shut in towns. Due to this, awareness among these farmers has increased and understanding the value of milling their own produce has also been created. The FPO is expecting more such farmers to continually visit their milling centre post the lockdown as well.

Our mill is the only mill working in the district. Before the lockdown 5-6 people would visit per day and post the lockdown, there are 12-15 people visiting, with an approximate increase of 6 quintals per day and an increased income of approximately INR 1200 per day.

– Mr. Subhrajit Satpathy, CEO, Danteswari FPO.

Solar Powered Rice Milling Unit managed by Danteswari Women FPO in Kosagumuda Village, Nabarangpur District, Odisha
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Tailoring Training Centre, Converts into a Mask Production Centre | Stories of Resilience Fri, 31 Jul 2020 04:49:15 +0000


Priscilla Centre, a training cum production centre for women based in Guwahati, Assam works with women, school-dropouts, widowed women from the states of Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and other neighbouring states on skill training. They conduct two year training programs post which the women who graduate are linked to other advanced skill training institutes. One of the main programs run by them is Sustainable Income Generating Program (SIGAP) focussing on textile based training which is conducted at their training centre in Guwahati and also at other partner grassroot NGOs. Priscilla Centre also has a sister concern which is a for-profit organization that helps with market linkages and selling of the products made by the trainees and graduates – sarees, kurtas, traditional clothing, bags etc. SELCO Foundation partnered with Priscilla to understand their model better and explore sustainable energy interventions in their training centres.


The training centre is located in Panbazaar, a main market area in Guwahati city which is under a containment zone due to positive cases that have been detected in the region. Due to this, the trainees and trainers from the city also have not been able to access the sewing machines as they are housed at the centre. All the trainees from neighbouring states like Manipur and Nagaland left for their respective home towns and districts right before the lockdown. This also led to a complete stop of the training program temporarily due to the lockdown.
Meanwhile, a senior tailoring instructor who lives in Guwahati city received a request from Satribari hospital for producing masks, caps and gowns for the hospital staff using the green coloured medical cotton based cloth. Using the sewing machine at her home, she single handedly met the demand of 300 numbers of masks, 100 numbers of caps and 50 numbers of gowns for the hospital within 20 days. The organisation has also received a certificate of acknowledgement on assisting the hospital at this dire time.
In the early days of the lockdown, the organization received a letter from NITI Aayog which states that NGOs have to use their financial resources, staff and skills to complement the government’s efforts. As they received the letter towards the end of March close to the financial year, they had some remaining funds in their organizational account. Utilizing these funds, they could carry out 8 prescribed types of activities out of which they decided to choose two:

  1. Preparing packets of dry rations which they would procure and deliver to villagers nearby. These are being delivered to families with no ration cards due to which they have not been able to access free rations through PDS.
  2. Stitching masks for volunteers, a list of which was provided to them from the district administration.

To carry out the stitching activity, they roped in 4 of their graduates who lived nearby and had sewing machines at home. They did not have any form of livelihood due to the lockdown presently. The organization had a lot of stock cotton fabric which they delivered to the graduates to start stitching masks. Using their funds, they are paying the workers INR 20-25 per mask and they are making 500 masks a week. With the help of the graduates, current demand rate and availability of limited raw
material, the organisation is planning to produce 2500 units of masks for next month. Moreover, if the rate of demand is increased they will keep a repository of stitched new masks. However, to meet this demand there might be a requirement of working capital to procure the raw material.


  • Entrepreneurial Staff: Due to the entrepreneurial nature of their senior staff and her contacts, she was able to provide critical PPEs to the hospital staff due to which the district administration was able to identify the organization and the potential work they were able to do during the lockdown period.
  • Income for Workers: Their graduates who have no other source of income at the moment, are receiving work through the organization and steady income even during this lockdown perio
Photo taken in 2019, during the inauguration of the Decentralized Solar Powered Rice Mill
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